As Easy as StayEase

1st Step

Enter apartment information in an appropriate section. A link is generated for each property that your guests can use to communicate with your chatbot

2nd Step

The client asks a question regarding travel arrangements, the apartment, or asks for advice about the city.

3rd Step

StayEase processes a response by prioritizing the description you provided and enriching it with information retrieved from its database regarding the city.


Tell your guests about the features of your home


Fill out your apartment form including the most important information. Enrich the description with potential critical issues and their solutions. Fear not: they will be visible only when needed!

The details that make a difference


StayEase offers you the opportunity to make your guests’ stay easier through your expertise.
You will be able to make personalized suggestions, just as if you were there with them:





Information for arriving and getting started with housing


For travelers, being able to get some basic information quickly is essential:

How to get to the house

Check In and Check Out Times

WIFI Password

Access Codes

How it works for the guest

Direct link

The guest receives the chatbot link from their host via Whatsapp, SMS, or via scheduled messaging from platforms such as Airbnb or Booking. The host communicates that if needed, the guest can interact with the chatbot in real time.

Apartment posters

Once the apartment registration is complete, a poster is generated that you can print and hang in your home. The poster will have the main information (wifi code, times, etc…) and a QR code through which the chat will be opened.

Get started now register your apartment for free